Wednesday 20 April 2016


"WHERE IT ALL BEGAN..............."
1. Introduction to 'Titans Of Mars'.

"It might be helpful to realise, that very probably the [Grand*]parents of the first native born Martians are alive today."
— Harrison 'Jack' Schmitt, Apollo 17 

When Commander Margret Taylor first stepped onto the surface of Mars on 3rd May 2032 [Earth Time] she, and the other six personnel of the 'Mars Colonisation Team' knew they had come on a 'one-way' mission. There was no going back, they were here to stay. 

On Mars that historic date is recorded as Week: 33 Sol: 337 Year: 1.
[This week and day was the actual date using Mars's position in its long orbit of the Sun.]

Over the next fifty years [Just under 90 Earth Years] immigrants arrived yearly, bringing construction crews and supplies, and the first families. Michael Foster-Roberts -  Born: Colonisation Unit 1 (Northern Mars) W: 7 S: 68 Y: 2 - Died: aged 43 in the year 45 {Earth age:77], was the first real Martian, born in the medical unit of the main habitation some 72 weeks after colonisation began.

The adventures of the THOR and her crew begin in the Martian Year 323, that's some three hundred and twenty three Martian years after Commander Taylor placed her foot on the Mars surface, which means approximately 581 Earth years have lapsed since that historic date. 

Mars now has vast cities, mines, farms, townships and even holiday resorts.

But there's always the Martian weather, on Mars you always wanted to know about the weather - and the reports had to be accurate, up to date and continuous - otherwise someone could get killed. The weather on Mars has become increasing unpredictable since early attempts at 'terraforming' failed at the turn of the first Martian Century.

Weather prediction was now notoriously difficult on the red planet, but absolutely vital to sustaining life on Mars, and that's why the Military control the Weather Service.

WSV: "THOR" is a weather station maintenance vehicle, she travels Southern Mars on service and repair missions with her crew of twelve, sometimes spending weeks away from her home port of Rossington [The Southern Mars Capitol City]. The "THOR" is one of three such rigs employed by the Martian Weather Service to service the 26 weather stations scattered across the Southern hemisphere. In the heavily populated North, the Weather Service employs another three such rigs,with an additional 'flyer' workshop for real emergency work, to service the 33 stations located there of which five are manned stations. Whilst three of the Southern weather stations are manned, the remainder are automated.

The "THOR's" sister rigs are; WSV: "The Charles Darwin" & WSV: "The Amanda Houston".

 “The Thor” was a ‘Titan’ Class Rig, weighing some 200 tone, equipped with two huge Dyson rig engines and with a specification that made your mouth water. Standing nearly 12 metres high with full external armour and a double hull; The Thor was designed to withstand whatever weather Mars threw at her.

The Thor could haul two, 150 tone trailers with ease over the harsh and unforgiving Martian surface. But the two trailers she normally hauled were specially built for her and the weather service.
One contained a fully operational weather station and workshop for the twelve crew members who serviced the vital weather stations scattered around Southern Mars – a task that was so necessary for the survival of humanity on the planet, that the military controlled the weather service. 
All the weather service personnel were, in-fact, in military service.

The second trailer contained a full medical suite, high quality living modules, a ship’s mess and galley with a small cargo storage area. It also carried a couple of drones for observation and exploration. The Thor boasted two fully equipped survival rafts that could carry 16 persons between them and keep the crew safe and alive for up to 5 days.  It also carried a small ‘Sand-Cat’ – a four person tractor that could travel very quickly over the Martian dust, she was highly manoeuvrable and basically, a great deal of fun to drive! Her nickname was ‘Little Thor’ amongst the crew – there never was a shortage of volunteers to take her out for a spin."
Quote from Episode 1 "WSV: THE THOR - Part 1: "Back from liberty'"


                                               The current crew of the "THOR":

Officer Commanding: 
Captain Picasso R. Jones - Age: 16 years [29] Born: Keiv (Southern Mars) W: 33 S: 322 Y: 307

Executive Officer: (XO)
Lt. Commander  Margret Simms-Holder - Age 16 years [29] Born: New London (Northern Mars) W:61 S: 614 Y: 307

Chief Engineer:
Lt. Marcus J. Enders - Age: 28 years  [50] Born: Taylor (Northern Mars) W: 11 S: 106 Y: 295

Medical Officer: 
Lt. Eve M. Votech - Age: 14 years [25] Born: Rossington (Southern Mars) W: 51 S: 504 Y: 309

Lilly Blissford - Age 10 years  [19] Born: Taylor (Northern Mars) W: 3 S: 28 Y: 313

Specialist (Engineering):
Thomas R.E. Eddington - Age: 18 years [32] Born: Normandy (Northern Mars) W: 25 S: 247 Y: 305

Specialist (Meteorologist):
Harry Gelderfield - Age: 17 years [31] Born: Taylor (Northern Mars) W: 47 S: 473 Y: 306

Specialist (Systems):
Maxwell Tapp - Age 23 years [41] Born: Rossington (Southern Mars) W: 33 S: 334 Y: 300

Deck Hand:
Troy T. Humbleson  - Age: 11 years [20] Born: Shackleton (Southern Mars) W: 31 S: 305 Y: 312

Deck Hand:
Leon A. Kamiski  - Age: 12 years [22] Born: Taylor (Northern Mars) W:51 S: 509 Y: 311

Franklyn F. Fingermann - Age: 21 years [38] Born: South Paris (Southern Mars) W:35 S: 347 Y: 302

Rig Apprentice:
Summer 'Sunny' Yelsin - Age : 9 years [17] Born: New London (Northern Mars) W: 22 S: 219 Y: 314

Rig's Mascot: 
"Dallas"  - Age 1 & 1/2 years [3] Born: Unknown. Y: 321 [?]

                                                          Former crew members:
Executive Officer: (XO)
Lt. Commander  Peter Gravestone - Age 14 years [25] Tranfered to MSV: "The John Garfield."

Medical Officer: 
Captain [Dr.] Patrick Greenspace - Age: 30 years [55] - retired on grounds of ill-health.

Yoki Hali-Hussain - Age: 12 years  [22] - promoted to Lt. and transferred to MSV: "The Neil Armstrong."

Specialist (Meteorologist):
Richard Halstrome - Age: 17 years  [31] - left service to run family farm.

Bella C. Limbstronn - Age: 15 years [27] - Left service due to family matters.

Specialist (Systems):
Kazzamondo Yassimini - Age 13 years [23] - Left service and joined a private Rig Company.

Deck Hands:
Lora Kapasiki - Age: 12 years  [22] - left service, whereabouts unknown.

Jean-Paul Bamphine - Age: 10 years [19] - left service, returned to college.

Rig Apprentice:
Tony Barr - Age: 11 years [20] - Completed apprenticeship and received Military Scholarship to Fort Benjamin Engineering University.

*[00] This gives the equivalent age in Earth Years.     


2. A Brief Summary of Mars Dates & Times.

For the sake of clarity, differences between Martian Dates and Times, as against Earth equivalents, will need a little explanation:

"Time on Mars is easily divided into days based on its rotation rate and years based on its orbit. Sols, or Martian solar days, are only 39 minutes and 35 seconds longer than Earth days, and there are 668 sols (684 Earth days) in a Martian year. For convenience, sols are divided into a 24-hour clock. 
Unlike on Earth, there is no leisurely-orbiting moon to give Mars "months," and while there have been many imaginative calendars suggested for Mars, none is in common use. The way that scientists mark the time of Mars year is to use solar longitude, abbreviated Ls (read "ell sub ess"). Ls is 0° at the vernal equinox (beginning of northern spring), 90° at summer solstice, 180° at autumnal equinox, and 270° at winter solstice.

On Earth, spring, summer, autumn, and winter are all similar in length, because Earth's orbit is nearly circular, so it moves at nearly constant speed around the Sun. By contrast, Mars' elliptical orbit makes its distance from the Sun change with time, and also makes it speed up and slow down in its orbit. Mars is at aphelion (its greatest distance from the Sun, 249 million kilometres, where it moves most slowly) at Ls = 70°, near the northern summer solstice, and at perihelion (least distance from the Sun, 207 million kilometres, where it moves fastest) at Ls = 250°, near the southern summer solstice. The Mars dust storm season begins just after perihelion at around Ls = 260°.

The coincidence of aphelion with northern summer solstice means that the climate in the northern hemisphere is more temperate than in the southern hemisphere.  In the south, summers are hot and quick, winters long and cold."


Therefore, no months exist on Mars. They have weeks consisting of 10 Sol's (Martian Days) and Years that average 66/67 weeks. The Martian year consists of 668 Sol's, and that is equivalent to 684 Earth Days - Therefore a single Martian year is worth nearly two Earth Years - 1.8 to be precise.

Which means giving Martian ages can raise a smile to Earth People. For example, Captain Picasso Jones was born some 16 Martian years ago, which means he's approximately 29 years old - if he was on Earth. But, of course, Martians see nothing funny or odd about a Rig Captain aged 16 years - No living Martian has experienced Earth dates or times, so they mean nothing to them.  

Thus, Martian ages and birth dates appear quite normal to the average Martian!

Important Birth dates that Martians celebrate:

3 years [5] - The age children start formal schooling.
5 years [9] - The age children attend senior school. 
8 years [14] - The age a juvenile can attend college.
9 years [16] - Considered an 'Adult' in Martian Law.
33 years [60] - Allowed to retire on basic pension.
45 years [81] - Big birthday celebration by families and friends, 45 years is considered a real
                         achievement, also means an increase in Pension and other State Benefits.
50+ years [90+] - Recognised by the State as a real achievement, includes Medal
                          presentation by President of Mars.

Martian days of the week are named thus:

Firstday [the first day of a Martian week]
Tayday [named after Commander Taylor - first human on Mars]
Newday [the last day of a Martian week]


3. About the "THOR."

The "THOR" was powered by two large 'Dyson Liquid Solar' Engines, affectionately called 'Sun Cups' by the crew's engineering staff, these engines were the heart of the rig and capable of delivering the enormous amounts of power required by such huge rigs. Basically, some seventy Martian years before, a brilliant young engineer [Lawrence Comfort Dyson - Born: Taylor (Northern Mars) W: 34 S: 337 Y: 231 Died: Europa (Northern Mars) W: 56 S: 558 Y: 270 aged 39 years] invented a process to 'liquefy' sunlight that was captured through solar panels [the main form of power for everything on Mars] and store it safely.

This simple process revolutionised travel on Mars, simply because it increased the power ratio up to 10 times that was previously available, and that made it possible to built such rigs as 'Mammoths, Titans and Goliaths'. These engines could handle enormous weight and provided the metal giants with the power to achieve good speeds on the Martian surface - and they were incredibly reliable.

Previously, a trip from Taylor [The Capital city of Mars] to the Military base Fort Benjamin, some 7000k from the capital, would have taken 8 days and nights of constant driving - it now took just 4 days to complete. The new engines also allowed more armour and bigger crews, with far better living and working conditions that the 'old riggers' could ever imagine. The giant engineering works and township of Dyson - on the North/South boarder is named after this young genius with great pride.

The "THOR" is a rig with 12 'tyres' and each of her trailers boast a further eight tyres. These tyres are quite unique to Mars, designed specifically for the Martian surface, in appearance they look like normal heavy load carriers. But they were actually made from millions of strands of steel wire, which allowed dust to pass through them, reducing drag and increasing the speeds achievable. If a rig had been sitting some time on the surface, a good Captain would 'blow' his tyres before setting off. This was achieved by blowing a pressurised gas mixture through them - with the legendary sense of humour that rig crews were famous for, it's was called 'the Captain's blow job'.

All Military rigs carry a chef because there is very little processed food available on Mars, that type of food was usually available only in 'Emergency Ration Packs'. Nearly everyone ate fresh meals, prepared with organic produce supplied from the numerous enclosed farms scattered about the planet. Food was expensive, and obviously, vital to life on Mars. So on a rig like "The THOR", you needed a Chef, otherwise each crew member would have to prepare their meals from scratch, two or three times a day, and with twelve people on board, that's a serious waste of man-hours.

Fresh water had to be conserved and thus, the "THOR" contained a small recycling plant to ensure that very little of this precious commodity was wasted. All the showers aboard her were referred to as 'Misty's' since they worked by spraying water droplets, which covered the body like a hazy mist and apparently they are quite effective in getting you clean.

The toilets stored waste in the rear of the vehicle, and the septic tanks were emptied with regularity since this waste constituted the main source of organic fertiliser available on the planet and could achieve good returns for the service. A little saying amongst the truckers was; "We shit and they get rich!" The Martian toilet paper is worthy of note; its edible. As part of the organic recycling process, all toilet paper has to be produced to a certain standard, which bizarrely, makes the paper edible - though all Martians will tell you to try it before you use it!

The air re-circulation system present on the "THOR" is a little masterpiece of engineering, providing a breathable atmosphere for the crew at all times. Based on liquid oxygen, the system functions at such a level of efficiency, that even working at 20% capacity, the crew will survive.

Every Military rig that did 'sand-time' was required to carry a 'Medical Officer' to cover emergencies and maintain the crew's health and fitness during the long journeys over the Martian surface. Whilst many were not fully qualified Doctor's, their training was such that they could even perform minor surgery if required. Most MO's were part qualified Doctors and normally would only complete their mandatory one year of 'sand service' before moving on. But some do return to service and continue their Military career as MO's, aboard the many military rigs that traverse Mars, because they enjoy the life aboard the rigs. The rigs 'Doctor' had their own cabin, contained within the medical suite which also included a small morgue and laboratory.

The three senior staff on the rigs are usually well respected by the crews, The Captain's; because everything was in their hands - including your life! Next, the Chief Engineer's; because if the engines failed [and without immediate rescue] you were very likely to die on Mar's hostile surface, and finally, the rigs 'Doctor's'; because they could save your life when you were ill or injured - simple as that!

Sometimes, the "THOR" would carry the maximum crew allowed by Military Regulations for her class [which is 16 persons] this was normal if she was carrying a relief crew to one of the manned weather stations and returning with the relieved crew.

4. Martian Names and places.

After Martian Independence in the year 60 [Martian Years] there was a great clamour to change the old Earth given names to more concurrent and appropriate titles. Thus, nearly all the old 'Latin' inspired names disappeared; replaced with more Martian titles. In the years following Independence, the process accelerated and in Year 63 a new Martian Globe was issued and all maps had to carry the new names.

For example; 'Valles Marineris', the grand valley of Mars which extends over 3,000 kilometres long, spans as much as 600 kilometres across, and delves as much as 8 kilometres deep is now known as 'Cutters Trench' after Professor Wilson Cutter, who was the first human to actually enter the Valley, when his expedition spend two years surveying the place in Years 59 and 63. Few old Earth inspired names exist today. There are some exceptions; 'Cydonia' retains its old name, as does 'Olympus Mons' Mountain, which still holds the honour of being the largest Volcano in the Solar System.

5. Independence Day.

Mars became a independent sovereign state on Week: 25 Sol: 255 Year: 60 and the day is celebrated all across Mars to this day. It is a National Holiday in all seven states of the Mars Federation.

6. Currency.

The Currency Unit of Mars is the Martian Dollar [$MD] which consists of 100 Cents and the notes are issued in denominations of 1$MD, 5$MD, 10$MD, 20$MD, 50$MD, 100$MD, 500$MD and on rare occasions; a 1,000$MD bill [normally used by the State Governments to pay Government Contractors and other States].

To get some idea of the notes value; Captain Picasso Jones earns roughly 2700$MD a year as a rig captain, whilst Deck-hand Leon Kamski would collect about 1600$MD. A cup of coffee in 'Blind Charlie's Dinner & Grill' would cost about 15 Cents. A three course meal in the same establishment would cost about 1$MD and 70 Cents. Written simply as $1.70.

The WSV: 'The Thor' cost around 250,000$MD's to build - the big battle rigs cost a lot more!

Government Income Tax is currently 7% per employed person. Everyone who works pays 2% of their total income into the Mars State Government National Pension Scheme and 33 [60 Earth years] is the normal age for retirement, though many do chose to work on a little longer.

Company Tax is about 11% of total Profits.

7. State Property.

90% of Martians rent from the state, which means serious money is returned to the State Treasuries and does not go to private companies and Landlords. Some 'Super Rich' people have constructed their own 'small 'villages'  to reside in. They are called 'Castles' in Martian slang.

Some big corporations and Mining Companies have also built townships - normally attached to a mine or farming community and charge subsidised rents to their workforce.

8. Religion. 

There is very little 'organgised' religion on Mars. Most people keep their religious beliefs to themselves and have services in their own homes with just friends and family. There are Federal Laws preventing the 'preaching' of any Religious beliefs and upon conviction the offenders spend time at the asylum's in Lake Placid.

The Government and people of Mars secular position was one of the major causes of the 'Invasion War' of 227 with Earth and that position remains to this day.

9. Author's Notes.

Sometimes, within the narrative, I will place little notes which I hope may help understand certain parts of the stories e.g:

"This expression is quite common on Mars, it means that someone is being rather silly!"


10. Let's Start.......

It's Mars Year 323.

The rig is the "THOR".

The place is the very hostile Southern Mars surface.

These are the adventures of the red planet truckers who crewed The "THOR"- whatever the weather..............

William Alexander Stephens.

* Author's addition.


"William Alexander Stephens."

Copyright © 2011-2021 Stephen Williams. No reproduction of any part without permission.