Friday 27 January 2017




“Old Gustov has spared no expense on Bella’s big day!” The Chief adjusted his tie and sipped his wine with a great deal of appreciation; “This wine is fourteen dollars a bottle!” Sitting opposite Marcus, Lilly looked quite amazed; “Chief, you can buy a three course meal with drinks for that.” She turned the glass around in her hand and then swallowed it down in one gulp. “But it does taste nice and the bubbles go up your nose.” She added, with a little fit of giggles.

The entire crew had a table to themselves, but obviously Bella and Kazza was sitting at the top table with the respective parents and close family. Kazza kept glancing enviously across at the crew table each time the room was rocked by the raucous laughter coming from it. “Your friends from the rig certainly know how to enjoy themselves, Kazzamondo.” His new Mother-in-law quipped – Kazza flinched; he remembered the little ripple of laughter that went round the marriage chamber when the Marriage Registrar read out his full name: “Kazzamondo Rupert Yassimini.” Even Bella chuckled, but gripped his hand tightly, whispering; “Sorry, but no son of ours will ever be called after his father!” He had nodded his agreement without hesitation.

There were lots of children around the rig’s table for just one reason: Dallas. They had found, if you held your open palm up to him, he would tap it with his paw and if you threw something, he would fetch it back. They ran about the table giggling and laughing – Dallas had a whole new fan club!

At the bar, Gustov asked Jones about the large cat now playing football with the children (he was in goal) the Captain shrugged his shoulders and explained that Bella and Kazzamondo [Jones was still chuckling about that revelation] had insisted the whole crew attend the wedding; so that included the rig’s mascot. Gustov sipped his drink and watched the cat save another potential goal – pushing the ball away with his paws to the delight of the children and watching adults. “Tell me again Captain, what happened this morning.” Gustov grinned as Jones recounted the story:

“We were all on the bridge, gathering together before we caught the Military bus for City Hall, when Eve noticed that Lilly was missing. So I called for her on the rig’s broadcast system, but she was already on her way to the bridge. We all watched as she sat down at the Communications desk and placed Dallas on it. “I’m going to smarten him up for the wedding.” She said simply, pulling the Galley’s small vacuum from the box she was carrying and started to vacuum Dallas very carefully. It started with a few chuckles, and then it turned into laughter as she brushed and vacuumed the clearly appreciative cat.

Finally, I managed to say; “Lilly, you’re vacuuming the cat!” The Chief clasped a hand over his face and muttered; “Lake Placid here we come!” But Eve thought it was great and especially laughed when Lilly fitted Dallas with a big silver lead – like dogs would wear. “We don’t need to put him in that terrible cage thing; he’ll happily walk on a lead.” And he did.

It drew some strange looks when the crew appeared in the marriage chamber with a large cat on a lead. If anyone asked, we all replied with the same expression: we’re from a Weather Service rig - they don't let us out much.”

Being an old rig man himself, Gustov chuckled at that, repeating the story to his wife Grace, and anyone else who asked about the funny large cat and its friends. Jones and Eve danced together several times – which didn’t go unnoticed by the crew, nor the fact that Lilly and Peter also danced together – though Lilly also danced with Dallas and most of the crew.

Kazza was explaining to the Captain, the generous offer from his father-in-law about a position in his rig company, the new apartment and trips up to Taylor. Kazza was in heaven, but admitted he would desperately miss the crew and the rig. Jones just smiled and was explaining about that strange little thing called ‘responsibility’ when his PA buzzed; he glanced down and saw the caller ID: ”Professor Jack Dawes. He walked over to Eve and Tom and whispered to both; “That’s it, he’s waiting for us.”

Tom and Eve glanced at each other and rose from the table; this was the mystery man that Professor Jacobson had recommended to Jones when he and the Chief had visited the General Westmoreland.

The three slipped away from the party and made their way to the old ‘Gerald Webster’ quarter of the city and a quiet alley where they found the little shop; “Jackdaw’s.” A bell tinkled as they squeezed into the badly lit room crammed floor to ceiling with curiosities and antiques. Tom lifted a mask from a nearby shelf and studied it; "I think it’s from Africa, back on earth, it’s wonderfully primitive - superb.”

“You know your masks - Mister Eddington?” From a dark curtain emerged Professor Dawes, he was quite a young man still with thick dark hair and cold green eyes; “It is African in origin and quite rare, a tribal death mask worn by the natives when they went on a killing raid. It’s represents the spirit of death.” He motioned for the threesome to enter through the curtain and they followed him into a small office which was stacked with books and manuscripts. The professor squeezed behind his desk and held out his hand; "The name tag please.” He motioned them to sit and Tom handed it over.

In the still quiet of that musty office, Professor Dawes examined the old crew badge, at one point pulling a large magnifying glass from his coat. After nearly a minute he placed the badge down on the desk and sat back with a small smile upon his face; “Firstly, the aura I can detect from this is not malevolent, quite the opposite in fact. I believe the entity connected with this was or is, somehow trying to help – how is anyone’s guess; trying to warn? Trying to protect? Trying to make contact perhaps?” The professor pulled a bunch of old fashioned keys from his pocket and unlocked a drawer on the desk and placed a brown folder before them. “Secondly, the scene of those murders can tell more than one truth.”

“Can there be more than one truth, is that possible?” Tom asked a little puzzled; “The truth is always the truth, isn’t it?” Eve nodded her agreement; “Facts and the truth must be the same, like evidence it has to be factual and true – doesn’t it?”

The professor noticed that Jones said nothing, but sat with his arms folded and grim faced. He had realised what the professor was about to say and the professor knew it. Quite an intelligent soul and quick thinking too, he could easily be a candidate the professor mused to himself. He then flicked open the folder and passed the photographs around – they were not pleasant.

“Actual photographs of the scene from forty years ago and what they can tell is another version of the facts or the truth if you prefer. When the original investigators made their report they had only half the facts and the result is obvious: they got it wrong of course.” He smiled and picked up two photographs that showed the dreadful scene in the Galley and kitchen area. “Notice how two of the bodies are sitting at the table, one at the top and another three chairs down, two more on the floor and another in the doorway. In the other picture, two more on the floor of the small kitchen area which is immediately adjacent to the galley. Seven in total.”

Eve had a hand over her mouth and took a couple of deep breaths; “How did he manage to kill all seven without them resisting in some way?”

“Good question Lieutenant and remember; no bloodstained clothing was found other than that worn by the dead. They had no body of Rollo Thames – he would have been soaked with blood splatters from all those bodies, so he must have been the killer that disappeared into the night. That was their truth. Which we now know is false.” The professor tapped the photographs; “To answer your first question Lieutenant; the truth is the truth until new facts alter it. To answer your second question the original investigators concluded they were killed in a ‘frenzied attack’, almost if a Berserker had magically appeared and struck them down.”

He placed the photographs face down on the desk and lifted up two more; "The key is in these two. ”That’s the battery room.” Tom muttered with some certainty and Eve agreed. Jones asked; "The battery room contained the answer which the original investigators missed because they weren’t looking for it at the time, is that right professor?”

The professor smiled broadly: his hunch about the captain was right – definitely a possible candidate.

Eve and Tom studied the coloured photographs closely for some minutes and sat back shaking their heads; “I don’t see anything unusual, there’s the buckets Conway said he used as a toilet and the battery covers he wrapped himself in………..” Eve stopped in mid sentence and tapped the second picture gently; "On the wall, six marks indicating the days he was trapped – written in red crayon I think.”

“Well done Eve, that is some coincidence that Conway also possessed a red crayon, the same as Rollo Thames. In fact, the little notebook’s final words have never been confirmed as written by Thames, has it?” The professor asked Tom who agreed; “The red crayon found with Rollo was only half a stick, Conway must have kept the other half.”

“Conway dropped it by the body when he scribbled in those final words, probably the next day after realising the full extent of the horror that had taken place – and his part in it. Like his Uncle, Conway practiced ‘Black magic’ and would have definitely been present at any séance, except they were not planning a séance at all.” The professor sat back and added quietly; "Conway was Shriver’s nephew, Shriver pulled strings to have his young nephew posted to the station.”

“What were they really doing professor?” Eve asked lifting the second photograph up and studied it closely. That’s when they noticed the change in Professor Dawes demeanour; he sighed loudly and after some moments, clasped his hands together tightly and lent across the desk, he spoke very quietly; “They were trying to summon the Devil – the ultimate aim of anyone who practices the black art.”

There was silence in the small office. Eve placed the photograph face up on the table and tapped it gently; “The battery room floor has a distinct pattern on it, what is that shape professor?”

Professor Dawes was now impressed with both the Captain and this young woman, he coughed and outlined the shape with his finger; “A pentagram Eve, used as protection against evil – again the original investigators paid no attention to it because they simply weren’t looking for signs of Devil worship!”

“The battery room was the ‘back-up plan’ for the group – but what they conjured up that day overcame them far too quickly and only Rollo and Conway made it out the Galley alive and I suppose they headed for the battery room for protection, except only Conway survived.” The professor sat back and ran his fingers through his dark hair. Rollo states in his notebook that he wanted nothing to do with the supposed séance and I would speculate that Rollo realised that Conway had not returned to the battery room and went to fetch him, coming upon the horror that was taking place in the Galley – maybe he dragged Conway away and together they tried to escape.”

“Except whatever had appeared caught Rollo and killed him as he tried to hide in the old store cupboard, probably after Conway had sealed the battery room before he could reach it; in panic and fear maybe?” The professor tapped the photograph; “Conway survived because he reached the sanctuary of the pentagram and he also possessed another potent weapon against evil incarnate.”

“What weapon?” Asked Tom, peering closely at the picture, but the professor laughed and waved his hand; “I’m afraid it’s not in the photo Tom – it was the station cat: ’Snuggles’.”

“The cat!” Tom exclaimed with some surprise and laughed, shaking his head. It was the Captain that answered Tom’s unspoken question; “Cats have been protecting humans and their homes for nearly six thousand Earth years, why do you think so many families have them? Why so many rigs carry them? The Ancient Egyptians knew their worth, both in the world of humans and the supernatural world.”

The professor had a very broad smile, his initial feeling about the Captain and the girl had been correct; they were both potential candidates. “Conway only survived because the entity that slaughtered those idiots could not breach the pentagram or pass by the protection offered by the cat. But the following day, the realisation that he would be placed in the frame for the murders as the sole survivor, must have become apparent and he needed a plan. No investigation team would believe murder by demonic entity; so Rollo Thames must become the killer and thus a simple, but clever plan emerged.”

“That’s how he managed never to slip up about his story – for the most part it was true.” Eve spoke with a little amazement in her voice – both men were actually innocent! She now understood what ‘the truth’ actually means: whatever people perceive it to be!

The little shop bell tinkled and Professor Dawes consulted his PA; "I've run over time my friends and the next visitor’s really guard their privacy in all matters. Would you please exit through the rear?”

Tom and Eve looked about; there was only one door!

But the professor stepped back and squeezed the desk leg nearest to him and the rear bookcase slid quietly back, revealing a small passage; “Follow it and you will appear at the rear of alley – goodnight my friends and I’ll try and see you tomorrow.” He shook their hands in turn as Jones led them into the tunnel, as they passed through the small passage Jones pushed the crew badge back into his pocket. The professor had passed it back to him when he shook his hand with the words;" Keep it – the entity that favours it may be of help.”

They stepped into the dark and silent alley, then watched as the brick wall sealed up behind them so completely that none of them could even see a small crack. “Who the fuck is he skipper?” Tom muttered, but they returned to the wedding party in silence.


Jones held a hand over his face as he reviewed the crew assembled before him; "What a bunch of misfits! You look like you’ve slept in those uniforms.” The expression: ‘collective hangover’ came to mind and Jones sighed loudly. He glanced at the rig’s clock and nodded; “Right, we have two hours before the show opens, I want those uniforms cleaned and pressed, food and coffee tipped down necks and aspirin for those that need it and back here in an hour for a final inspection – so get a grip and smarten up.”

As the ragged group started to disperse, Peter held his brow and confided to Leon; “What lunatic arranges a Military parade and presentation the day after a wedding piss-up!” Leon simply groaned; "I don’t know but the bastard needs shooting.” Holding onto each other, they made their way to the galley where Frankie had put together a substantial breakfast - and his dress uniform was immaculate under his apron.

The Chief was standing next to Jones, chuckling to himself and sipping coffee; his number one uniform was also immaculate [as was Jones’s and Eve’s] “I’ve seen Deep Vein Miners look better after a shift in the pits.” He spoke quietly and smiled at Jones and the Doc. “I’ll get Lilly up to scratch, she needs help. I don’t think she’s use to alcohol.” Eve headed for the Ensigns cabin, stopping off to collect painkillers and fruit juice.

Deep Vein Miners work the dangerous, deep ore pits scattered across Mars: They are considered a very tough bunch indeed, with a reputation for hard work, violence and cynicism - Their average life expectancy in the pits is around ten years, so they work and party hard - very hard!

“Make sure you get some food down her.” Jones called after the Doc and sat back in his chair, sipped some coffee and started to eat his fried egg sandwich. The Chief lowered himself into the primary pilot seat and rolled his cup about in his hands; "Lilly will be fine, Eve will get her up to speed.”

Jones sat quietly for a few seconds, deep in thought. Then he turned to the Chief and said softly; "They won’t come, I called them twice, even told them that their accommodation and travel will be paid for. They refused. I will never tell Lilly what her father said – though I expect she knows well enough.”

Jones pulled from his chair and stood staring at the dockside through the bridge windscreen; “When I said how proud we are of Lilly and that she would love to see them at the presentation, her father stopped me in mid-sentence and said; ’We don’t have a daughter, we did have a son once but he is dead.’ He hung up on me.”

“Bastards.” The Chief grunted and added; “Yeah, but her new family will be there and proud as a dog with two dicks.” Jones slapped Marcus on the back and smiled; “That’s not quite the expression I would employ, but I know what you mean.” Frankie appeared from the shadows; "You sent for me skipper.”

Jones noticed that the Chef was smartly turned out, even his regulation boots gleamed and his long hair was neatly hidden beneath his Military cap. Jones nodded, and with a smile to the Chief said; “Yes Frank, I want you to carry the rig’s Commissioning Pennant at the ceremony, is that ok?”

Frankie looked shocked by that statement and he said nothing for a few seconds, the rig’s commissioning Pennant was normally carried by the ‘leading’ crew member – it was considered a great honour by all crews to carry their rig’s Pennant. “If you want me to Captain, it would be a privilege to carry it for Miss Lilly’s presentation.” Jones nodded his thanks, then Frankie stopped by the bridge ladder and added; "Best I run an iron over the fucker then.”

The Captain and Chief burst out laughing and slumped back in their chairs. “What the hell were you and Gustov drinking last night – I could see it was quite a fancy bottle?” Jones finished his coffee and prodded Marcus; “Well, what was it?” He repeated.

Marcus smiled and held up both hands; "Just a fancy old whisky liquor, that’s all.”

“Which fancy old whisky liquor are we talking about?” Jones asked and saw the sheepish look on Marcus’s face, so he repeated the question. Marcus gave a big grin; “It would have been rude to say no, Gustov is a lovely man and generous too, so I joined him in a few drops of the stuff.”

“What stuff?” Jones asked and Marcus sighed, he knew the truth would come out anyway, “Old Ma Crawford’s Sippin’ Whisky.” Jones placed both hands over his face and breathed deeply; “How many bottles did you talk him out of?”

“Only two.” The Chief tapped Jones on the shoulder and smiled; “It’s difficult to obtain these days you know, with all the Peace Guard raids, the Health and safety people smashing bottles on TV and various fuckers claiming it sent them insane – it’s hard to get hold of.”

The Chief wasn’t happy that the Captain ordered him to keep the bottles in the ‘Hazardous Chemical Store’ – but at least he could keep them. ’Old Ma Crawford’s Sippin’ Whisky’ was legendary, especially amongst the rig crews who considered it ‘their’ drink. In mining and township bars, drinkers had bestowed upon the whisky almost mythical powers and despite various Government crack downs on the stuff, it had survived. First distilled some two centuries ago, on a remote farm near the North/South boarder, by ‘Granny Crawford’ who claimed the secret recipe came to her in a dream, the whisky was considered the State drink of the South - by those who didn’t think much of sobriety.

It’s famous ‘tag-line’ was a legend too; “Well its better than no whisky.”

Jones laughed to himself when he remembered the simple advice his Grandfather gave him, if offered a drop of the stuff: “Run.”

The Grand reception area of the Southern Governors Palace was packed with dignitaries, invited guests, military personnel, media reporters and several groups of school children and their teachers. The raised stage had several dozen chairs for the dignities and the seven state flags of the Mars Federal Government hung from the walls: the Martian Flag hung from the ceiling.

A dozen Mars Marines formed a guard of honour for the Vice-president, who had arrived at the palace some twenty minutes behind schedule due to the railway station opening. He had received a rapturous reception from the crowds - Gaylord Prentiss was a very popular VP despite being an inveterate womaniser and originally from the South himself, he played up to his Southern roots and the crowds loved it.

Jones led the crew of ‘The Thor’ into the hall, with Frankie beside him carrying the rig’s commissioning Pennant. They marched to the front and lined up before the small podium which held the VP and Admiral Oscar Norrington [Commander of all Mars Southern Forces] and his flag officer, who carried the Silver Star in its presentation box.

“Thor will come to attention!” Jones barked the order, clear and precise: the crew snapped to attention. Jones stood before the podium and saluted; "Sir, the Thor is at attention.” Admiral Norrington smiled and returned the salute; “Thank you Captain, stand them at ease please.”

Jones ordered the crew ‘at ease’. The Admiral made a short speech and called for Ensign Blissford to step forward. Lilly did the crew proud, despite her nerves, marched up to the podium and saluted.

The VP then gave a speech and hung the Silver Star around the young Ensigns neck and the large audience exploded into clapping and cheering, Lilly gave a nervous little speech and looked quite relieved when Jones called the crew to attention as the VIP’s filed from the stage.

“Now the good part.” The Chief whispered to Eve as the crew was stood down for the after presentation drinks and food; “Part two of the piss-up.” He added with a big grin. Lilly was happy to see that Bella and Kazza had delayed their honeymoon to attend, but remained silent when asked about her parents.

But the two empty chairs on the VIP stage didn’t go unnoticed by the crew. The general consensus of opinion from them was;”Bastards.”

The after presentation party was a hit; there were only a couple of fights and Eve, with Lilly’s help, averted a major punch up between the Marines and the crew over Dallas. Apparently, the Marines had decided that Dallas should be a Marine Corp mascot and plied him with beer and dressed him in an eye-patch and ‘skull & Cross-Bones’ kerchief. But the girls had rescued him without a real fight starting.

“Our ladies are fucking fearless!” The chief was wiping tears of mirth away and between bouts of laughter explained to Jones how Dallas was almost press-ganged into the Marine Corp, but Lilly and Eve had marched over to the Marine’s table and with lots of smiles and laughing [with some violence thrown in] dragged the cat back. One big Marine had drunkenly protested, trying to grab Dallas from Eve and Lilly floored him with a single punch!

Strangely enough, not one of the remaining Marines objected to the girls walking away with the cat!

As a reward, the Chief gave young Lilly a couple of sips from his hip-flask and ‘Old Ma Crawford’s sippin’ whisky’ worked its magic; Lilly shouted a toast to the crew of the Thor and slid under the table, still clutching the happy cat, with the crew chanting; "Captain Dallas! Captain Dallas!”

VP Gaylord Prentiss had stayed for drinks, despite the attempts of Vice-Admiral Kellamann to escort him from the party – the VP had taken quite a shine to the young Ensign he had just decorated and watched the standoff between the rig’s girls and the Marines with great interest; “I see the Weather Service is upholding its reputation for having some of the toughest sons-of-bitches that ever stepped onto the surface, you must be proud of them Everest.” He was watching Lilly dancing with the cat and added; “Where do you recruit your ladies from? Deep Vein Mines by any chance?”

The Vice-admiral managed to smile and swallowed his drink down; "Our boys and girls do work and play hard Sir.” He muttered watching the crew of the Thor leading the party in community singing: of a very traditional rig song with some colourful lyrics. Even the Marines joined in, linking arms with the crew and dancing. The big Maine sergeant had recovered and grabbed Lilly, planting a steamer of a kiss upon her lips; Eve swore blind she could see sparks!

He confided to his Lieutenant; "I think I’ve just found my wife – what a fucking woman, it was worth a black-eye just to meet her!” He threw a couple of waiters over some tables in celebration of his new love.

Jones lead the toasts to the Marine Corp and their officer reciprocated with several more toasts to the Weather Service Corp. Then two ladies from the Marines and the rig’s girls danced on the table: the general opinion was that the dance appeared to be a Martian version of the ‘Can-Can’ - It received great applause and several shouts of ‘ENCORE!’ – including some from the VP himself, who was taken away by his bodyguards before any scandal ensued - after he climbed upon the table and danced with Lilly. The big marine had taken exception to this and armed with a chair, also climbed on the table - to be dragged away by his colleagues. Before any damage was done to the VP and the Marine Corp reputation.

But a large party of MPG’s [Military Peace Guard] had arrived and broke the party up after a few scuffles. Jones took command of his crew and managed to get them onto their Military bus and ignored the bottles and glasses that appeared on the way back to the docks. The driver joined in the singing and was fascinated by ‘Sunny’ who insisted he admire her special ‘presentation’ suspender belt that she was wearing for the occasion.

That was until the Chief threatened to push his head through the steering wheel - if he touched her. Jones and Eve sat on the over-protective Marcus; they really didn’t relish walking back to the docks in the middle of the night. Apart from that and Troy stripping down to his boots and hat, waving his testicles through the rear window at passers-by, the ride back to the Thor went without further incident.

24. M A KHAN.

Jones was sipping coffee and reading the National news on his PA, the bridge was quiet and the Thor had a feeling of serenity about it or everyone was suffering their hangovers with great dignity. Leon was half asleep in the Primary Pilots seat; he had been the only choice to stand watch on the bridge, with the Captain, because he was the only one who managed to get out of bed without falling over.

Jones patted his shoulder with pride; “Well done Leon, you’re a good man to have in a tight spot.”

Leon raised his head slightly and muttered;” I’ll get a proper job tomorrow mum.” and drifted back to sleep. Jones sighed but smiled, he sniffed loudly: flowers! He could smell flowers! He sat bolt upright in his seat.

Then relaxed back in his chair; Eve was placing a large basket of fresh flowers on the communications desk; “Their for Lilly.” She said with a big smile on her face, adding; "From the VP.” Jones groaned quietly and ran his hands through his hair, that’s all the rig needed; a horny Martian Vice President chasing Lilly about. He sipped his coffee and switched his PA to local news – he wished he had not bothered.

A disturbing murder was headlines, with the decomposed corpse found strangled sitting on his toilet wearing an Elf’s costume. The other headlines consisted of the visit by the VP to open the new rail station and a local Baker who makes bagels in the shape of people’s feet. There was a small paragraph about the presentation of a Silver Star to an Ensign for bravery – no names, no real story.

The last story was about the number of complaints received by Rossington Peace Guard, of a young man exposing himself from the back of an unidentified bus, late last night. Jones buried his head in his hands and simply muttered; “Shit!”

“Morning skipper, it’s nice and quiet around here.” The Chief dropped onto the spare Pilots seat and prodded Leon; “Is he dead?” Marcus sipped his coffee and looked like he never touched alcohol in his life, Jones shook his head in amazement, he could never work out how the Chief could be pissed out of his head at night and apparently stone cold sober the next morning?

“I don’t think he’s dead, he’s still snoring.” Eve tapped Leon on the head and smiled. Leon looked up and grinned broadly; “No thanks, I couldn’t manage a whole plateful.” And went back to sleep.

Lilly quietly sat down at the communications desk and admired her basket of flowers. Captain Dallas leapt upon the table and started to nibble them, pulling petals off which floated about the bridge. Lilly stroked him and placing her head upon the desk went to sleep. Marcus sighed; “Is she dead?” Eve whispered; “No, but I think she wishes she was.”

The in-coming call buzzer sounded and Lilly raised her head; “Good morning, this is the Thor, How can I help you?” Eve chuckled and lifted the receiver; “It helps Lilly if you’re actually talking into the phone.”

It was Professor Jack Dawes for the Captain; Eve transferred the call across to Jones’s desk and they spoke for some minutes before He replaced the receiver and said to Eve; “Get your coat we need to visit an old friend.” The Chief nodded; “You carry on skipper; I’ll hold the fort here with great pleasure.”

As Jones and Eve departed the Thor, the Chief’s shaking hand hovered above the ‘Emergency Fire Siren’ and with a huge smile on his face; activated it shouting; “Wakey! Wakey! You fuckers! - time to return to the land of the living!” he was laughing loudly; like a drunk who discovered he could fart the National Anthem without any ‘follow-thru’. Tom staggered onto the bridge clutching a fire extinguisher, dressed in just his shorts, and found the bridge crew all asleep, he slapped off the siren and dumped the extinguisher in the Chief’s lap. “Thank you Auntie Rose, I’ll wear if for Founder’s day.” Marcus muttered, salvia dribbling down his chin.

Tom noticed that Captain Dallas was still wearing his eye-patch and pirate kerchief – and was asleep on Leon’s head. “Fucking nutters.” He whispered and holding onto the walls, made his way back to bed – past Troy stark naked on the floor of the crew corridor, clutching a traffic cone – still asleep despite the sirens best efforts. That’s when Tom noticed the Traffic Cone was marked ‘NYPD’, he rubbed his chin with some amazement – there hadn’t been a New York Police Department for over three hundred Earth Years!

Eve and the Captain returned to the old ‘Gerald Webster’ quarter of the city and the quiet alley where they had found the little shop; “Jackdaw’s.” The bell tinkled as they squeezed into the room where Professor Dawes was waiting for them with another visitor; “I think you know this gentleman.” He introduced the young man to the pair.

Eve and Jones stood in total shock and silence; it was the previously deceased M A Khan, looking very much alive. “I think Research Station Thirteen just made séance’s obsolete.” Jones whispered to Eve. "Muhammad had the good sense to seek me out, he still has many questions about the world of the supernatural. But just listen to his story, about what he discovered whilst a guest at Research Station 13." The professor added - unsmiling.

Muhammad Ali Khan outlined his sudden death on the Space Passenger ship "Westworld" just before touching down on Mars, nearly a century ago. The description of his passing sent a shudder up Jones spine, but he and Eve listened with great interest as he spoke about what happened next. Muhammad had been revived at 'RS13' - one of just four successful Resurrections they had managed and after a period of rehabilitation, was given a new identity and moved to Rossington to work in a government office.

Muhammad had calculated that he was about 125 years old! - but he wasn't the oldest person alive, that dubious honour fell to a young woman who could claim to be 154 years old now, but was only 17 [Mars years]. Her body had been found by archaeologists, in a small family graveyard of an abandoned farmstead; the farm had failed many years after her death and no descendants had survived, so she was a perfect candidate for 'Operation Cenotaph' - she also now worked for the Government: in Shackleton Tax office.

But their stories of what happened after death were all similar - four dead people, basically describing the same collective experience of the afterlife. 

Professor Dawes tapped his desk; "This is the real interesting part; Muhammad, tell them what you overheard whilst recovering." The young man nodded; "As I was coming round - I don't think the two in my room thought I was conscious - they were talking freely about a body found at a weather station and that the blame, luckily enough, [their words] could be attributed to the young Ensign and that it would not be exposed. What 'IT' was, they never said because they realised I was waking up. Sorry." 

Jack Dawes held up both hands and did not smile; "Muhammad was already dead before the weather station killings took place, so his story can be believed." He rubbed his chin, thinking hard; "I think all this can be connected with the legend of the ruined city." That caught Jones and Eve's attention; what ruined city? they both asked with real interest.

The professor explained about the stories that were whispered, after Bellman Easter's expedition returned from the Mountains and caves. Some members of his party mysteriously died in odd circumstances within months of their return. but not before they told stories about finding the very ancient ruins of a city deep in the mountain cave systems. The Government denied such a find and Easter himself called it 'total nonsense'. But the rumours persist to this day.

Jack leaned back in his chair and lowered his voice; "The stories stated the city contained something ancient and evil. That the city had been built solely to contain that evil, many millennia ago by the original inhabitants of Mars - who it is said were aliens to the planet themselves. Colonists like us, but not from Earth - not humans?"

Jones and Eve didn’t leave the curious little shop and its strange proprietor for a couple of hours, but they caught the tram for the Docks at about three o’clock and were surprised by the numbers riding the carriages, until they remembered that the rail station was now open. They sat in silence for the ride back to the Thor; the meeting with M A Khan, after his restoration to life under ‘Project Cenotaph’ had given both troubled thoughts – particularly what he said about being dead; “Death is nothing like a human could imagine.” He had explained carefully and clearly, about his time dead and it had shocked the pair deep inside. They had no reason to disbelieve anything M A Khan said – he seemed a straightforward and honest man who had found himself a stranger in a strange new world.

The story about the weather station killings were grim enough; but a lost city built by aliens, who were trying to colonise an ancient Mars was food for thought indeed!

Eve broke the silence as the tram approached the South Dock Terminal; “I think I won’t sleep too well tonight after that little discussion.” She gripped Jones by the arm and he agreed, but his attention was drawn to the dockside. There were a couple of Peace Guard Vans and two other vehicles parked by the Thor’s dock, Eve pointed out a MPG van to one side and the entrance to Dock No.3 was closed off – there was a large group of people gathered outside the gateway; including reporters.

“What the fuck is going on!” exclaimed Jones as he and Eve jumped from the tram and headed for the Dock gateway, where they were stopped by both the MPG and the civilian Peace Guard. The young sergeant asked for their identity cards and checked them through his PA, he then called up on his radio; “Inspector Random, we’ve got the missing pair here at Gate No.3, do you want them arrested?”

Jones and Eve exchanged looks of amazement, but before Jones could comment, the Inspector called back, saying that the Captain and his MO could come aboard their rig and escort them directly to the bridge – arrest wasn’t necessary.

Eve and Jones were taken aboard the Thor under escort from two MPG’s, on the upper deck they came across Leon, manning the Bridge External Pressure Door with yet another MPG. He looked tired and a little dishevelled, but he saluted and Jones spoke quietly to him for a few seconds.

Eve stopped in the service corridor and whispered; "What did Leon say? What the hell is going on here?” Jones gripped her hand and said quietly; “The civilian Peace Guard have arrested Peter and taken him away, they’re now searching the Thor for evidence and taking statements from the crew.”

Eve looked stunned and she exclaimed; “What the hell have they arrested him for?” 
Jones opened the bridge door and ushered Eve in, stopping to whisper in her ear; “Murder.”

"William Alexander Stephens."

Copyright © 2011-2021 Stephen Williams. No reproduction of any part without permission.